Friday, 4 June 2010

Delphic at Evolution.

As a massive Delphic fan i was really excited to get the opportunity to see them at Evolution Festival this year, not only this, but i got to photograph them for Ballad Of.  The electro/guitar rock outfit really pulled the crowds and really showed me why i fell in love with them when they broke onto the scene 6 months ago. It really it so fantastic to see an act like this cut it live as well as in the studio.

Like you would expect Paolo Nutini, Ellie Goulding and Calvin Harris were amazing but the acts that really caught me off guard were Eskimo Twins and Benga. If you get the chance to see either of these guys live your in for a treat.

Look out for my photos from the weekend in Ballad Of magazine. You can pick up the mag from Harrods, Selfridges, Tate Modern and other good stores.

Check out the website here

Or my website here

Ballad Of Magazine


Ballad was born out of frustration. Frustration and a few dirty beers. We love art, we love pretty, we love edgy, new, intelligent, retro and informed creativity, and we wanted to see more of it… Ballad Of… is a community of emerging and exciting artists with the shared goal of collaborating to produce outstanding work for publication, portfolios and events. is the heart of everything we’ve got going on. Everything that we love, do and find flows through it. Ballad Of… in print is published bi annually, and Ballad Of…Presents holds regular events, exhibitions and collaborations. It’s all about getting what we love, seen. And it’s all about you lot getting involved.


We are stocked in the following… RD Franks,Jumbo Records (Leeds), The Tate Modern, Compton News, Selfridges, Harrods (Waterstones), Terrys News Stand, Rococo, Lauries, M2 (Covent Garden), Press Bureau, Magma (Covent Garden), Artswords Bookshop (Shoreditch), Soho Original.


Ballad Of was founded by Lindsey & Claire ( The magazine design is iamanoctopus (, the online editor is Olly (, the advertising sales director is Simon (07836322711 –, Camille is Music Editor ( and Yasmine ( is Events & PR.